Kinross Vaulting Group was formed in June 2009, sometime after Active Schools began participating in October 2008.
We specialise in small groups with an optimum of 8 vaulters per session. Currently the session are as follows; these are organised according to the needs of vaulters, suitable horse power and required training for competitions and events.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Younger Children 5.00 - 6.30pm
Squad Training
Regular Session 6.30 - 8.00pm |
Regular Session 6.00 - 7.30pm |
Regular Session 5.30 - 7.00pm |
Extra Training (On request) 5.30 - 7.00pm
Private sessions are available by arrangement only. Contact Liz to arrange.
We have a covered arena at Hillside, which is just outside Carnbo, so we are able to practice all year round regardless of the conditions outside.
For more information on how our classes work, what they have to offer, or their structure; please feel free to email us and we will get back to you answering your enquiries.
The following Club documents will be provided when members join or on application. They are regularly updated and include:-
1. The Constitution and Appendix.
2. The Child Protection Document.
3. The Participant Charter.
4. Code of Conduct for Club Officials, Parents and Volunteers.
5. The Health and Safety Policy.
6. Kinross Vaulting Group Charges.
7. Committee Contact Details
8. Parental Consent Form
9. Covid Guidelines