Gym session at Hillside with Hannah Young. 7 vaulters participated.
Xmas Outings
On 9th December, was the vaulter Christmas outing to do 10 pin bowling at Bowlplex in Dunfermline. This was not very well attended but was enjoyed by those who went. A meal at Frank and Bennie’s rounded off the outing.
On 22nd December, We held the KVG Xmas dinner at The Muirs in Kinross.
Loch Leven Equine Practice Visit
On 20th October, members of our group visited Loch Leven Equine Practice. 5 of our younger vaulters attended along with parents and Liz. We were given a guided tour and then home bakes, juice and a quiz. This was greatly enjoyed and thanks go to staff for the guided tour, refreshments and quiz.
Scottish Championship Results
2* Senior Female Individual: 2nd Molly Turner, 3rd Hannah Ballantyne on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
4th Hannah Ballantyne on Superdelux, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
1* Senior Female Individual : 1st Yazminn Williamson on Bravour, lunged by Lesley Campbell.
2* Junior Female Individual : 3rd Kirstin Henderson on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
2* Junior Male Individual: 1st Atholl Pettinger, 3rd Jack Wilson on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
1* Junior Female Individual : 7th Heidi Ballantyne on Superdelux, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
8th Catriona Marden on Dazzling Edition, lunged by Liz Mackay.
1* Child Female Individual : 3rd Sophie Wilson, 6th Rachel Leslie, 10th Beth Casasola, 11th Sophie MacDonald on Dazzling Edition, lunged by Liz
Senior Pas de Deux: 2nd Hannah Ballantyne and Molly Turner on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Junior Pas de Deux: 1st Atholl Pettinger and Kirstin Henderson on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Novice Pas de Deux: 1st Hannah Ballantyne and Heidi Ballantyne on Superdelux, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
Prenovice Individual Canter/Walk (a): 3rd Hazel Wilson, 4th Lana McDougall, 5th Tabitha Peck on Toby, lunged by Janice Henderson.
Prenovice Individual Canter/Walk (b): 3rd Zoe McColl, 5th Iona Robertson, 6th Catrina Mackie, 10th Beth Robertson on Toby, lunged by Janice
Walk Pas de Deux(a): 3rd Sophie MacDonald and Beth Casasola on Dazzling Edition.
Walk Pas de Deux(b): 1st Zoe McColl and Tabitha Peck on Toby.
Walk Squad(b): 2nd Kinross on Toby, lunged by Janice Henderson.
World Horse Welfare Demo
On 3rd September, We gave a demonstration at the World Horse Welfare Open Day, Belwade. We took ILPH Islay and Toby. Also the two Pas de Deux and nursery group team plus Emily. All did really well and were a credit to the group. Thanks to the parent helpers who supported the demo.
Junior World and Senior European Championships
The Junior World and Senior European Championships held in Ebreichsdorf (Austria). A three sector journey with Andy, Charlie and Eddie (the ACE dads) accompanyed Liz and ILPH Islay in the lorry. With Robbie having to withdraw at the last minute, Jack had to compete on Torfy from Reivers lunged by Becca – a horse he had never previously vaulted on. He came a very creditable 19th. Kirstin did really well and finished 34th on ILPH Islay and Atholl finished 7th on ILPH Islay. (All as Junior Individuals). Atholl was the only team GBR individual to make it through to the finals.
In the Senior Pas de deux, Molly and Hannah came 8th on ILPH Islay and in the Junior Pas de deux, Kirstin and Atholl came 6th on ILPH Islay.
It was a great trip though incredibly hot weather wise. Congratulations to these vaulters for being selected to represent their country. It is a credit to the hard work and dedication of our members that 50% of the GBR entries were from Kinross Vaulting Group.
Summer Camp
Our annual camp. Hannah Young and Hannah Eccles were the visiting
vaulting coaches. We also had a visiting pilates coach Agi Falenta (an ex show-jumper).
Arena Resurfacing
On 14th August, the new surface in the outdoor arena was started and it was completed about two weeks later. This was paid for by Liz and not
subsidised in any way by others but will benefit the Club and its horses and is
proving very successful. We hope very much to be able to hold sessions out there in summer and have activities in there during our camp.
CVI Rugby Results
Junior Female Individual: 6th Kirstin Henderson on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Junior Male Individual: 1st Atholl Pettinger on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Senior Pas de Deux: 1st Atholl Pettinger and Kirstin Henderson on ILPH Islay, lunged by Janice
Senior Pas de Deux: 2nd Hannah Ballantyne and Molly Turner on ILPH Islay, lunged by Lynn
Summer Howe Vaulting Competition Results
2* Senior Female Individual : 2nd Hannah Ballantyne on Superdelux, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
1* Senior Female Individual : 1st Yazminn Williamson on Dazzling Edition, lunged by Liz Mackay.
2* Junior Female Individual : 4th Kirstin Henderson on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
2* Junior Male Individual: 1st Atholl Pettinger on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
1* Junior Female Individual : 5th Louise Scott, 8th Catriona Marden on Dazzling Edition, lunged by Liz Mackay.
9th Heidi Ballantyne on Superdelux, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne,
1* Child Female Individual : 6th Rachel Leslie, 7th Beth Casasola, 9th Sophie Wilson on Dazzling Edition, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Senior Pas de Deux: 2nd Hannah Ballantyne and Molly Turner on ILPH Islay, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
Junior Pas de Deux: 1st Atholl Pettinger and Kirstin Henderson on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Prenovice Individual Canter/Walk (a): 1st Tabitha Peck, 2nd Lana McDougall on Toby, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Prenovice Individual Canter/Walk (b): 3rd Zoe McColl, 4th Catrina Mackie, 6th Iona Robertson, 10th Beth Robertson on Toby, lunged by Liz
Prenovice Individual Walk/Walk(c): 3rd Courtney Fowler Ramage on Dazzling Edition, lunged by Janice Henderson.
Walk Pas de Deux(a): 1st Sophie MacDonald and Beth Casasola on Dazzling Edition.
Walk Pas de Deux(b): 1st Zoe McColl and Tabitha Peck, 4th Lana McDougall and Catrina Mackie on Toby.
Walk Squad(b): 1st Kinross on Toby, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
Spring Howe Vaulting Competition Results
2* Senior Female Individual : 2nd Molly Turner on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
3rd Hannah Ballantyne on Superdelux, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
1* Senior Female Individual : 1st Yazmin Williamson on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
2* Junior Female Individual : 2nd Kirstin Henderson on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
1* Junior Female Individual : 4th Alicia Boyle, 6th Catriona Marden on Dazzling Edition, lunged by Liz Mackay.
5th Heidi Ballantyne on Superdelux, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
1* Child Female Individual : 2nd Rachel Leslie, 3rd Emma Leslie on Dazzling Edition, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Prenovice Individual Canter/Walk (a): 1st Tabitha Peck, 2nd Lana McDougall on Toby, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Prenovice Individual Canter/Walk (b): 3rd Iona Robertson, 4th Beth Robertson, 5th Zoe McColl & Catrina Mackie on Toby, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Walk Squad B: 1st Kinross on Toby, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
Walk Pairs : 3rd Tabitha Peck and Zoe McColl, 4th Lana McDougall and Catrina Mackie on Toby.
Lunging Clinic
On 13th May, a lunging clinic run by Liz at Hillside for our mums. Attended by Suzanne, Sarah P, Adele, Carla and Rebecca.
CVI Belgium Results
Child Female Individual: 7th Emma Leslie, 8th Sophie Wilson on Robbie, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
Junior Male Individual: 5th Jack Wilson on Robbie, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
Senior Female Individual : 8th Molly Turner, 13th Hannah Ballantyne on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Senior Pas de Deux: 2nd Hannah and Molly on ILPH Islay, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
CVI Saumer Results
Junior Female Individual : 12th Heidi Ballantyne, 14th Alicia Boyle on Robbie, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
Junior Female Individual : 11th Kirstin Henderson on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Junior Male Individual: 3rd Atholl Pettinger on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
7th Jack Wilson on Robbie, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
Senior Female Individual : 12th Molly Turner, 18th Hannah Ballantyne on Robbie, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
Senior Pas de Deux: 1st Atholl and Kirstin on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Senior Pas de Deux: 1st Hannah and Molly on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Spring SNEC Competition Results
2* Senior Female Individual : 3rd Molly Turner, 4th Hannah Ballantyne on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
5th Hannah Ballantyne on Superdelux, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
1* Senior Female Individual : 1st Yazmin Williamson on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
2* Junior Female Individual : 2nd Kirstin Henderson on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
2* Junior Male Individual : 1st Atholl Pettinger on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
2nd Atholl Pettinger, 4th Jack Wilson on Robbie, lunged by Liz Mackay.
1* Junior Female Individual : 2nd Heidi Ballantyne, 6th Alicia Boyle, 8th Louise Scott, 10th Emily Hardie on Robbie, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
12th Heidi Ballantyne on Superdelux, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
1* Child Female Individual : 4th Sophie Wilson on Robbie, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
Senior Pas de Deux : 1st Hannah Ballantyne and Molly Turner on ILPH Islay, lunged by Lynn Ballantyne.
Junior Pas de Deux : 1st Atholl Pettinger and Kirstin Henderson on ILPH Islay, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Prenovice Individual Canter/Walk (a): 1st Tabitha Peck, 2nd Lana McDougall on Toby, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Prenovice Individual Canter/Walk (b): 1st Iona Robertson, 2nd Catrina Mackie, 4th Beth Robertson, 5th Zoe McColl on Toby, lunged by Liz Mackay.
Prenovice Individual Canter/Walk (c): 1st Beth McInroy on Robbie, lunged by Janice Henderson.
Walk Squad B: 1st Kinross on Toby, lunged by Janice Henderson.
Walk Pairs : 1st Tabitha Peck and Zoe McColl, 3rd Lana McDougall and Catrina Mackie on Toby, lunged by Janice
Gero Clinic
On the weekend of 24th- 26th, we held a training clinic with German guest coach Gero Meyer from Sweden. Five vaulters
from Kinross took part and vaulters from SEVT/Wee County, Pegasus, Kelvin Valley, and Reivers/SSS also attended
Training with Joanne Eccles
On 29th January, we held a training clinic with guest coach Joanne Eccles. 14 of our vaulters